Sociedad Latinoamericana de
The “Sociedad Latinoamericana de Medicina Sexual” (SLAMS) is ISSM’s regional affiliated society for the Latin American region. It was founded in 1990 as the SLAIS (Latin American Society for Impotence Research) during the 4th WMSM held in Rio de Janeiro. In 1996, it became affiliated to the ISIR (International Society for Impotence Research) which is now the ISSM. The SLAMS has organized biennial meetings since 1993 throughout the region. The SLAMS has 3 official languages being Portuguese, Spanish and English. SLAMS and ISSM offer joint membership so all members from the region are members of both organizations. The SLAMS is an independent nonprofit organization and the purposes for which the SLAMS is organized are exclusively charitable. SLAMS shall not carry on any activities that are inconsistent with its charitable aims as its assets are irrevocably dedicated to charitable purposes.
SLAMS Leadership
The SLAMS Leadership
The Latin American Society for Sexual Medicine (SLAMS) is led by a group of experienced board members with diverse backgrounds and expertise.