Joint ISSM/SLAMS Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 - Sept. 26-29, 2024

Become a Sponsor or Exhibitor

The 25th World Meeting on Sexual Medicine is a prime marketing opportunity for you to reach a broad segment of international professionals with interests in the field of sexual medicine. As a sponsor or exhibitor of the meeting, you will become highly visible, you will be an integral part of the event and you will gain valuable exposure to key decision-makers and benefit from personal interaction with all attendees.

If you are interested in becoming a part of this meeting, please download the sponsor brochure here or contact the WMSM Office for more information (see contact details below).

WMSM Office, Operated by Status Plus BV
Mr David Casalod, CEO, ISSM Executive Director
Ms Lilian Heemstra, Event Manager, ISSM Meeting Director
Address:: Zaanweg 119A, 1521 DS Wormerveer, The Netherlands
Phone: +31-75-647-6372
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Download here the official Floor Plan of the WMSM. Contact the Office today to secure your preferred location!

WMSM2024 Floor Plan v245

ISSM Office
Lilian Heemstra
Zaanweg 119A
1521 DS Wormerveer
+31 (0)75-647 63 72